Jul 02 2024

Third Party Payers

Posted by domain admin in News

Qualified ambulance services: electronic billing of travel and transportation costs for the settlement of travel and transport costs in the area of the qualified patient is implemented to almost all health insurance the statutory settlement on data carriers soon. The winners of the ambulance service and aid agencies responsible for, as well as private providers in the qualified ambulance services are affected by the changeover. Who continue to submit paper invoices to the cost objects, which are truncated up to 5 percent of the total amount of the Bill. The German medical Computing Centre (DMRZ) now offers a comfortable and affordable service for the settlement of travel and transport costs in the area of the qualified patient for only 0.5 percent of the gross invoice amount. No contract, no monthly fee the conversion on the disk off ink (DTA) is in full swing in many health insurance companies and is being implemented by more and more AOKs.

It was so far in the field of qualified hearing that the settlement of travel and transport costs submitted by providers via paper invoices with the corresponding invoice supporting documents (E.g. Regulation of health promotion) at the cost objects and manually edited, so who is now billing process electronically by equip go. Only a delivery of accounting data on a disk or via a payroll in the future ensures immediate processing of payroll. The currently easiest and most affordable way to provide the billing data to the health insurance companies, offers the German medical data center: the rescue service and authorized aid agencies as well as private providers in the qualified ambulance services with the health insurance companies can settle for just 0.5 of the gross invoice amount. There is neither a contract binding on the DMRZ, a monthly minimum fee or other fees. Billed via an Internet platform, which is accessible at the address. Additional information is available at Tiger Global.

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