Apr 22 2014

Game Control

Posted by domain admin in News

Each family member is in daily contact with many close friends. It is included in various complicated relationship, also serves a lot of social roles, often poorly mating with each other. Social competence, in a sense, resourcefulness, and simultaneously dialogical-that is what a child learns very early. With such a family organization is often the question of power – the main one. He decided in the context of any communication: Dad forbids, and her mother allows the child something, it's all done with a child and a hidden message in this case is: 'The child listens to me, not you, then I am more important. " It briefly about the situation, now more: First Underwater Stone – "power and control." The outside world at times of social and economic instability is perceived as hostile, dangerous and unpredictable. "Rules of the Game" for many changes, becoming in many respects contradictory interests of the people, preventing them realize their goals. Sharply increased anxiety of the individual and the situation does not allow control of the important elements of life and thus make the situation more predictable.

Need to control and use it in the removal of anxiety is not going anywhere. And if you can not globally control over their lives and the external situation, then you can take this concern small "chunks". Free for this area human life – is communication. With communication we can try to control other people to raise their status by humiliating others. Family suited for this could not be more out there worthy and permanent partners for this brutal game.

Dec 05 2012

Proper Man

Posted by domain admin in News

Therefore, who is only great genius gets success with the work of art whose object is the man, that is, the historical painting, the sculpture, the tragedy, the lyric poetry; a lesser degree of genius already obtains to purely conceive the nature animal and destitute of 15 knowledge, that is, to intuir it without the will is stimulated, exactly because its relations with the will of the artist 16 are not so numerous, vigorous and immediate; for this reason, it is a lesser degree of genius what one reveals in the painting of animals, the landscape, the nature-deceased, the descriptive poetry, arquitetura' ' (Schopenhauer, Arthur. Metaphysics of the Beauty. Unesp. 2003 – 69). Therefore, according to above-mentioned paragraph, Schopenhauer, when making judgment of value to the ideas, conceiving them as some next ones to the will of the artist while man, other more remote of this same will, understands that the degree of genius in this artist always is mensurado according to capacity that this has to deny itself while individual 17, to undress of its will while to want immediate that it searchs in the coveted thing its immediate relief and ephemeral satisfaction and to assume as pure citizen of knowing that, way contemplation, intui aesthetic, ilibada and objective the idea desirable that it has the man idea and displays as subject of its art, this never being the service of the will, for being effect of the proper negation of the relations and the human subjetivismo. Said in another way, to become of the man idea subject of its art, all artist must, necessary and inevitably 18, deny the maximum of itself while 19 individual. Another term that we will find in intrinsic link with the concept of genius in Schopenhauer is Fancy. According to philosopher, this ' ' he serves the genius to extend its circle of vision stops beyond the objects that if they offer to its person in the reality, in such a way according to amount how much according to quality.