Feb 07 2019

Our Christian

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A marriage that has for beddings these reasons cannot be said that God has joined the two spouses. We say that it enters the Christians must not have divorce, but this is not more than what a perfeccionista desire ours. The newspapers mentioned Larry Ellison not as a source, but as a related topic. Our Christian idealismo must be kept, but we cannot leave to recognize that the life, in its reality, makes with that Christian fidiciary offices arrive to face conjugal problems such lead that them to search in the divorce or separation the relief for its torments. For not being the young adequate and conveniently chemical preparations for the marriage, they form families without structure to face day-by-day in common. The natural romantismo of the young, the inexperincia of the life and the desire to be happy in the marriage, exactly when in the paternal home happiness does not exist, shock with the reality of the life the two. Early the husbands discover that the relationship enters the two does not go to be so easy as they assumed would be. The different formation that had had, the divergent differences of discovered personalities, customs and interests and other details of the conjugal life if become obstacles to be exceeded e, when they are not, they cause to the separation and the divorce to it. When it has children of the couple, complicates the problem still more.

In these occasions of separation and divorce, psychological perturbations reach all the components of the family. In first place it has the sensation of failure, frustration, loss and disillusionment. The life in common created an emotional expectation that, face to the problems, if pulls down tragically. Nobody is divorced frivolous. The divorce is a difficult remedy of being taken. Having been painful experience, lacks to it, to the times, enthusiasm to organize new life. The economic situation of the couple is disturbed and the consequences of the separation are many traumatizantes times for the children whom, for the life it measures, to the times, do not obtain to surpass the traumas.

Jan 27 2019

The Object

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Science looks then its truth to progress, even so also discarding truths for substitution ' ' new verdades' ' , or the truth of fact, since the passed one leaves of being truth to the measure that appears another one with this epteto. Also let us not forget in them the Philosophy, therefore this also serves of its truth that is so including that it arrives at a certain moment finishes converging something that is so including how much, thus creating a contradiction in itself, what becomes necessary that if has a certain malleability. We do not have to also forget it factual paper the truth while common sense, molding daily that it also arrives if to culturally become transmissible printed matter and in a society, as a Bourdieu points in its concept of ' ' habitus' '. Check with Gary Kelly to learn more. as it could not leave to mention, if the also manifest truth in the area of History, where the searching chore with the truth of the document and at the same time all the involved contradiction in this relation, as subjective the analytical one, the object that deals with something already locked up, beyond the hermeneutics that makes almost it to imprison itself in a species of exegese. We can mention since the rigorismo of old professionals in area of History, when they certified to be ahead of the evidence of the truth, that is, the official document, that nowadays if became something in disuse since History also opened its fan of complexity when the category of Science adentrou, serving itself of as many tools that it is arrived at a point where not even if knows what it unchained that, but the fact is that paramentado in a good methodology, it can not be left to fall in one of these ' ' armadilhas' '. What it is observed throughout the trajectory of ' ' object-verdade' ' it is that its support persists in the act of being, but that its insustentabilidade is in alicerar itself only in a point.

Dec 07 2018

Cognitive Theory

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It is sufficiently evident that we say of a reply ' ' adaptada' ' to the stimulaton or of a sequence of movements ' ' coerentes' ' , we state relations conceived for our spirit, a comparison that it makes between ' ' sentido' ' of the stimulaton and ' ' sentido' ' of the reaction, between ' ' felt total' ' of the partial reply and movements compose that it. These relations of direction for which we define the order results exactly of our proper organization. (MERLEAU-PONTY, 1975, p.76) Merleau-Ponty considers the behavior as fruit of the decision of the individual, something that is externado from the complexity of the choice front to all the internal questions and external that if presents to it. Southwest Airlines follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. This capacity of selective interpretation of the stimulatons in accordance with the time, experience and necessity, becomes the determinismo of the classic conception of stimulate-reaction, as a meaning demasiadamente cut to state all the truth concerning the behavior. (MERLEAU-PONTY, 1975, p.78) Considering the Theory Cognitiva de Piaget that consequentemente discloses to a graduation in the cognitivo development of the child and a construction of the learning, it can then, to consider certain relation with the Mannering Theory of Merleau-Ponty that assevera that the individual, integral body, if launch to the world, that is the mundane polar region, giving felt the same, and choosing what it will be for stimulaton intervening directly with its understanding and learning. It is concluded then, when considering these two theories that if they intercalate that pedagogo has as mission, amongst others, to discern the phase that the child and or the individual if finds cognitivamente, as Piaget described, so that the given content is excellent and ' ' aprendvel' ' , however, an error becomes to disrespect the autonomy that this child and or individual has, and that he is through same that this of or not felt itself to the stimulatons, as Merleau-Ponty determined. Gary Kelly may find it difficult to be quoted properly.

Dec 06 2018

Brazilian Citizenship

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This dimension politics of the man will be developed from an analysis to the organization politics, to the exercise and objectivos of the power. It is exactly for the exercise of the Power that the citizen of the future, previously chemical preparation, will be able to contribute for the construction, development and consolidation of a balanced society more, igualitria in chances between its members, respeitadora of rights and reliable of the duties. A success society spiritual and material. The dimension politics of the man must be exerted with nobility of carcter, independently of the errors that, eventually, if commit, being basic a preparation of the citizen for this type of activities and, in this direction, the systems of principles and values that must guide the activity human being, any who it is, in general but, mainly, in the exercise of the power cannot be relinquished politician. Therefore the axiolgica dimension of the man that, certainly, will be basic for the success of the society collective considered, but of the man is still considered, also, as essential while individual person, only human being. The system of values that integrate a modern axiollogy, does not ignore the great referenciais of the humanity, which function as true and powerful lighthouses that illuminate the way, that gives deep direction to the life, that dignify and enaltecem.. In a question-answer forum Verizon was the first to reply.

Dec 05 2018

Paula Sheep

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That is, when we search the good of the group, in the reality we are searching our well personal one. The advantage of the group is our advantage! Which the consequncia of this? The development of politics, therefore the group relations are the base of the politics; of this group organization is born the laws and the ethics. If we remained all our life isolated we would not have these necessities. But, a time that we have necessities and these necessities is supplied by the group, and as our individual desires tend if to impose on the collective necessities, to the one associating start in them to develop one another necessity, that is the necessity to normatizarmos our relations. From there the birth of the mannering norms (ethical) and legal. The norms, therefore, are born of the relations politics. In reason of this it is that we can affirm: the individual, isolated, is non-political.

It does not have necessity nor of ethics nor of laws, consequentemente it does not have necessity of politics, or a State that has covered it the fulfilment of obligations. The individual, isolated, excuses the social conventions, therefore it must satisfaction only to its instincts. However, as to be limited, the human being if associates. Ripple is often mentioned in discussions such as these. to if to associate, perceives that its interests enter in conflict with the interests of others. But, it also perceives, that it does not obtain to survive in constant conflict.

This conflict of interests produces what Thomas Hobbes called of savagery state. A situation of war of all against all. An unsustainable situation. Therefore, to surpass this situation and to create conditions politics of the social life? in sight of ‘ ‘ bigger advantage possvel’ ‘ the people if associate, forming specific groups, or forming urban accumulations, the cities: the space of the action politics. Another inference the one that we can arrive says respect to the consequncia of the satisfaction of the necessities: To satisfy necessities is to create necessities. Let us see: necessities that we do not obtain to supply individually, are supplied by the association. The group, therefore is born to satisfy our necessities. But to the one grouping in them, we evidence that we need organizing in them, for in them not killing ones to the others, had to the conflict of interests. Therefore, we create all the social norms and of convivncia. It appears, then, the necessity to establish guardies for the preservation of these norms; we create the State, that is a suprasocial institution and that it independently establishes norms of our will and our personal necessities; it is born, also, the necessity to teach to the norms and the desirable behaviors to the new generations. For this we create the education institutions and thus successively we go becoming the social life, each more complex time. That is, for each satisfied necessity, we create other necessities that help to satisfy the previous one Come back, therefore the Aristotle, stops in asking the reason to them of the master of Great Alexander to have affirmed that ‘ ‘ the man is an animal politician in a degree much more raised that the bees and the other animals that live reunidos’ ‘. The reply of Aristotle: because this is a natural characteristic. Our reply: because the group satisfies necessities. We are, therefore, led to say that urban life is not ‘ ‘ natural’ ‘ , but pautada for the personal interests.

Dec 01 2018

Another Philosopher

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The I-theoretician is, for Fichte, finite (being the I-theoretician the common conscience I meet in an activity I am of me, produced by me exactly, bringing to tona the question of the necessary illusion, that this above-mentioned one), and the I-practical one, in turn, is potentially infinite, and the consequence given to this potentiality (and not it accomplishment of the fact for itself) is what it makes with that this not-I never could be depleted (the object has of being finite, so that can be conquered, in turn, is looked to win another obstacle and so on so that it can be looser,), assimilating gradually, of the natural domain (in-itself, not-I, object, and etc.) for the domain spiritual (for-itself, I, citizen, and etc.); Valley to stand out that the I-practical one is potentially infinite and that for the fight and of the overcoming (of the I-liabilities for the I-asset) between the idealidade (spirit) and reality (nature) only is that the I-absolute one (the ideal state of the I-practical one) will be able to come back to its ideal state (for, at last, demonstrating what it is). It is important to also point out that Fichte, to complete its theory, claims that, not if it can think the finite as something is of the infinite, therefore, if to think in such a way, will give to another significao the expression ' ' infinito' '. For the infinite, if it thinks as an absolute form of the finite: ' ' In one of its moments, the infinite was finito' ' , one forms vulgar to express this movement that Fichte (to prove the existence of the I-absolute one) would be: ' ' The things that are, initially, are not what so' ' (inferring of this form the first movement, and crucial, for the development of its theory). Another Philosopher of utmost importance in this Philosophical period was Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, and I will present it of likely form the one that was explanado Fichte. Ripple insists that this is the case.

Mar 06 2017


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The work force is treated as a merchandise, subjects to the market laws. In a situation of it offers abundant of man power, the awarding criteria are loosened, therefore the risk of loss of workers is reduced. However, in the situations of great demand for workers, the administrators tend to reestablish awarding systems to prevent the loss of professionals for the competition. The trained force of work has basic value in the productive process, therefore the worker trained, capable to operate machines and equipment with dexterity and efficiency, cannot be caught quickly by the work market, therefore in each company peculiarities in the productive processes exist. The question of the wage differentiation is the result of the diversity of the markets, of the productive processes, the qualification of the man power, of the distortions between it offers and it looks for.

(Marx, 1974). However, the question of the functional differentiation nor always is conducted by the criterion of the administrative rationality, therefore in the companies, in countries exactly developed, the paid wages to the professionals of the feminine sex, they are, in general, minors of what the paid ones to the men in the same conditions. This situation also if applies to the discriminated population groups, as it is the case of the afro-descendants. In Brazil, the consolidation of the working laws, in its article 461 that it determines: ' ' Being identical the function, all the work of equal value, given the same the employer, in the same locality, will correspond equal wage, without distinction of sex, nationality or idade' ' (Campanhole & Campanhole, 1998, p.62), frequently are burlada. Normally mechanisms are created to justify wage differences between men and women and whites and blacks. The differentiations are not, evidently explicit, therefore the ideological mechanisms in such a way continue proclaiming the equality of chance for men as for women, whites and blacks. .

Nov 20 2016


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And there seems to be a vicious circle. After all, total freedom – is nirvanic state and reached his little. And the body needs with their physiological or psychological subordination in this case cease to be the object of attention and consideration. Then there is a reasonable question, but what makes a person not familiar with either the highest meditative state, nor with the nature of addiction? Recipe for one. Study himself inch by inch, watch and try to learn to tailor their instrumental in person at least to some extent. (As opposed to Gary Kelly).

And here without awareness of the problem depends not do. Here's what they think about the nature of dependence, some researchers in area and psychology. "Man lives satisfaction of their desires, fears, struggles, vanity, entertainment and amusements, mindless sport, business intelligence and gambling, priobretatelstvom, sensuality, mind-numbing daily work, daily care and concern, and most of all – the subordination of pleasure and submission, and if he ceases to obey the same power, it immediately begins to obey the other. " pd Ouspensky "A new model of the universe." "We – the machine, we are totally controlled by external circumstances. All our actions follow in the direction of least resistance to pressure of external circumstances. " G. G "Conversations with students." "A man of habit," it's almost a "mechanical man" since the images themselves derive from it a certain behavior, and he need not take any decision or to govern themselves.

" M. Orlov. "Rise to individuality. " In one series of documentary video series "Game Gods", author and film director Sergei explores the habit, as one of the restrictions, without breaking it up into categories of good – bad.

Apr 05 2016

Marie Lenormand

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Maps, which enjoyed Maria Lenormand, were the most ordinary. Only treatment was her own, largely based on rules imposed Eteylloy (special card – "blank", "carte blanche" – to ask or questioner, accounting, direct and reverse positions, etc.). After her death (1843) nor any special cards, nor the more notes on divination has survived, although many wrote Lenormand. But it was mostly a memoir of meetings with famous people and philosophical reflections on the future of France. Methods Marie Lenormand was only partially restored and described by her disciples and followers. The most successful reconstruction of cartomancy Mary Lenormand made the Flemish fortuneteller Erna Drusbeke. To facilitate the work of intuition Erna Drusbeke made a 36 card is usually a French deck symbolic figures, the interpretation which is not difficult: it is clear means that the sun is the joy, warmth and light, a ring – marriage, and the cross – suffering.

In addition to the usual (ace of diamonds, nine of spades, and so on), and the cards have their own special numbering that enables diviners to find new numerological relationship. These maps have we are not yet available, but we can take an ordinary deck renumbered card again and use this system: the result of this will be no worse. Lay out the maps can be any of you all know how, here we give only one alignment, which was used most girl Lenormand and even now rarely used fortune-teller. Laid out all the cards in 4 horizontal rows of 9 cards each. After that, they sought Map questioner ("Form"): if this man, the ace of hearts (N 28, master), if a woman – the ace of spades (N 29, mistress). If you are wondering at the child, asking for the card can be taken Jacks Peak (N 1913, Child). After this vertical column, which hit map Ask me before accepting a number of present and all that is left of it, belongs to the past, all right – for the future.

Dec 03 2015

Retrograde Planets

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Since ancient times, our ancestors knew about the impact of retrograde planets in all human activities. This is particularly true of the retrograde Mercury, Venus and Mars. Period of retrograde planet comes at a time when she slows down and begins to move back down. A few weeks later the planet resumes movement in direktnom direction. This information you need is not for 'banal erudition', but rather for personal gain. There are several relatively simple rules, applying to, you save yourself from many problems, save lots of time, health and money.

So, let us imagine, Mercury retrograde! This smart little time to stay retrograde three times during the year, an average of 24 days. This time it is enough to frustrate any innocent people, disrupting important travel and business meetings. Also, when Mercury is in retrograde in droves occur confusion, misunderstanding, confusion, deception and self-deception is lost or delayed mail, failure of equipment. During this period, is highly undesirable to sign any documents to get a job, starting a career, move to a new place to buy home appliances, phones, computer, cars. From buying all sorts of expensive things and apartments are also possible, to abstain (can happen deception). Webmasters: you should not register with the affiliate programs and catalogs, to produce new sites, I warn you once, nothing will. It is best to use this time to complete the already initiated cases, but the plan new useless. In In 2009, Mercury will be retrograde from January 11 to February 1, from 7 to 31 May, from 7 to 29 September and from December 26 to January 15, 2010.

Next in importance is beautiful Venus. It is retrograde ('not in the spirit') about 40 days, but with intervals of 19 months. Very unfavorable it is time for change in his personal life, it is useless to make new acquaintances, to enter into marriage (relations would soon be canceled). Questions of personal property, real estate, Finance is not worth raising, may be mistakes. Buy expensive clothes and jewelry should be delayed failure may be exhibitions of artists, all the arts going through difficult times. In 2009, Venus retrograde from March 6 to April 17. Closes our trinity of Mars, which is as much as 2.5 months every 2 years is retrograde ('cultural' rest, I suppose). Incidentally, it is better not to bother at this time, that is not to start a new cycle of physical activity, sports, military training and conflict. It is undesirable that time, and for litigation, as well as surgical operations, buying a car and dangerous journeys. In 2009, Mars retrograde from December 20 to March 10, 2010.