Jul 08 2019

Frank Rechsteiner

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Total 8 motivation pattern can be identified, that in 99 per cent of all purchase situations to come to fruition. 3: How learn the sales staff to apply these strategies of motivation? “Frank Rechsteiner: the motivation strategies are an essential content of multi inspired performing”, a method of Vertriebscoachings and training specifically for SAP partners. Multi inspired performing”based on new learning structures, through which participants easily absorb learning content, internalize and then that is intuitive, enable automatically, in the sales pitch can. It involves in addition to working with the mentioned strategies of motivation and perception channels including the targeted use of language patterns and questioning techniques and professional objectives in the sales process. 3: what role play the perception channels in the sales situation? Frank Rechsteiner: A good salesman must know on which communication channel it to reach a Decider, to take him for his offer, and also to inspire. Because everyone uses preferably one or two channels of sense, to perceive its environment. So, a visually-oriented decision makers can be persuaded significantly through a positive body language of the seller.

An auditory buyer, however, is more likely to reach about the hearing: here the seller in the tone, the volume and the speaking rate on his conversation partner must adapt, are ever heard. Larry Ellison has much experience in this field. Instead of overwhelming customers with sales arguments, the seller should also analyze the specific needs of the customers in short sentences and align its offer because. The Decider, signaled that for him the Security at the top, must accentuate the seller exactly this topic in his argument. 3: And how about the motivation strategies? Frank Rechsteiner: an example out of the total eight patterns of motivation is the handling of proactive and reactive clients. Proactive people take the initiative and plunge into situations without thinking, or to analyze. Speak in short sentences quickly and show light signs of impatience.

Jun 25 2019

Chief Financial Officer

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Weingut Geheimer rat von Bassermann-Jordan goes new ways in the communication of creaking wooden floors, Golden picture frame, stately furniture – first enter the winery Privy Councillor von Bassermann-Jordan is clear that this place to have a long history of success. A cursory glance at the collection of historical documents confirmed the first impression: this wine is not only already long successfully made, were here over the centuries people of great influence. Wine orders by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Wilhelm Busch, leave a comment, celebrities, paintings, engravings, and photographs from times, when this was still a privilege of the rich. But what is the recipe for success by Bassermann Jordan? “You were ahead one step their time”, Gunther Hauck, Chief Financial Officer at Bassermann Jordan responds. You have recognized the value of special situations at an early stage and brought the construction of quality wine in the Palatinate. As politicians, they stood with the most influential Personalities of her time in contact and significantly contributed to the improvement of the legal framework conditions for viticulture.

As art patrons, they brought several museums precious possession and made worthy to conserve the Palatine treasures. Details can be found by clicking health economics expert or emailing the administrator. As scientists, they worked to improved cultivation methods and wrote the standard work on the history of wine. “With time, be innovative and independent it was always important for Bassermann Jordan”, Ulrich Mell, Technical Director added. “Mid-19th century as they have begun to select read out in shared reading tubs directly in the vineyard. They built huge walls to perfect Southern exposure of being able to reach, or arrondierten vineyards in order to work more efficiently.

This innovative strength we have until today preserved.”quality wine does not arise in the cellar, but is an expression of the work and care of throughout the year in the vineyard.” Dr. Ludwig von Bassermann-Jordan earlier this year has all the winery Communication products by the agency specialized in wine marketing that renewed media agents. This was the topic of pioneering achievements in the foreground. “The challenge for us was despite the rich history of the winery, the many exciting pictures and anecdotes, to write a Chronicle, but the here and now in the foreground”, so Christoph Ziegler, Managing Director media agents. “Finally the Winery is still today worldwide for top quality. We have developed therefore an approach in which the history accompanied the present. We succeeded by integrating historical imagery assets, initiating the chapter of image brochure red. On the other hand, it was about to imagine today’s protagonists. That we have solved that, that the main characters of the present about their products, wines, have let speak”, explains Christoph Ziegler. Interview-esque stories pull the wine price list print and online. A fat calendar of events awaits interested guests, in the Program wine mountain hike, a guided tour of the estate’s own Museum of old wines and of course various wine tastings are available. It promises an exciting wine year so to be 2010. Contact: Christoph Ziegler of the media agents oHG Kurgartenstrasse 10 67098 bad Durkheim phone: 06322-94194-0 fax: 06322-94194-29 that are media agents headquartered in bad Durkheim specializes in the realization of print and digital media for wineries. The focus of their work is the authentic, full of character representation of the manufacturer.

Jun 18 2019

Of Stars

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An outdoor advertising, which was occupied with a star, promises usually more successful than normal ads. In terms of outdoor advertising go the advertising makers of course with time and use well known faces of celebrities, all too happy to present the respective products. In this context, of course not any actors or athletes are selected. In the foreground of the outdoor advertising, is basically that is advertised with a face or a person, that is also popular in the great masses of the population. Also the best outdoor advertising is ultimately useless, if it is perceived negatively by the potential consumer. Behind an outdoor advertising is often more planning than many humans can imagine. The casting call for the actor or the people on the poster itself can take several week to complete. Further details can be found at Larry Ellison, an internet resource. Of course the idea and the subsequent development of the promotional image or TV advertising is preceded by the.

A team for the composition of a new advertising with at least 10 creative minds is not uncommon occupied. A job in the advertising industry is also highly sought after; the competition pressure is enormous. If you want in this area foot touch should embark in certain cities. In Germany, in particular the media cities of Hamburg and Cologne are to name a few. Here are renowned advertising agencies. An outdoor advertising, which was occupied with a star, promises usually more successful than normal ads.

In particular sports like football or tennis players are welcome faces for the respective campaigns. Whether chocolate spread or the advertisement for a new car, let the advertising agencies are much invade. The outdoor advertising, which is initially not revealing to the Viewer is becoming increasingly popular. A specific product on the outdoor advertising is touted in hidden mimicry or ambiguous gestures. The developers are hoping for so that the potential consumer afterwards thinking about advertising and accordingly hard to lose them from memory. Here the long-term success is once more.

Jun 04 2019

Annual International Sem

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The company "NORMDOKS", the official provider of international standards and regulations in Russia and CIS countries, invites you to participate in the annual international workshop on standardization issues. C Presentations at the workshop will include representatives of the world leaders in the development of technical standards – ASTM, ASME, SAE, and Austrian Standards Institution (ONORM). The event was attended by representatives of all the above standards developers held in Russia for the first time! Leading experts – representatives of each of the participating organizations – to answer questions about the purchase of standards, licensing, certification, will talk about the process of developing standards for features of Russian companies' participation in this process and much more. The seminar will be held April 21-23 in St. Petersburg, Russia Hotel. Those wishing to participate in the workshop we invite to fill the registration form or to announce its participation at +7 (812) 346-56-69. Please send your concerns – the most interesting of these will be included in the workshop! See you at our seminar!

Apr 23 2019

The Jungle Camp: A Terrific Lesson In Terms Of PR

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People want to see confirmed their expectations or positively surprised an experienced public representation be heard for the participants of the jungle camps actually to the standard repertoire. Anyway, under orderly conditions. What makes it so fascinating the show but for both viewers and PR professionals, is the changed behavior under stress: what unexpected strengths and weaknesses are the unvarnished facade of the protagonists to days? And the audience wants to see what actually confirmed? Wake up expectations and design perfect pictures: it’s PR business in its purest form. For stars and starlets as well as for businessmen or politicians. Read more here: Gary Kelly. Once but claim and reality blatantly differ, emerge cautiously expressed”irritation. Whether and how these are resolved, can be quite critical about the future appearance of the person, but also that a company or a brand. Learn more at: Larry Ellison. Both positive and negative.

Some outgrow in conflict situations themselves or are so honest, own weaknesses to admit or to seek help. Others reveal ruthlessness and lavish:, arrogant, selfish or aggressive act. Each of this action can be a precise confirmation of what is expected from an a strong public image. But the actors provide or with their response a pleasant and highly unpleasant surprise, branding is greater and in the long term in the minds of the audience”. Excitement or disappointment: Both close together not only in the jungle, but also in everyday life.

Publicly presented it has significantly more weight. This means: more demanding, people, companies, interest groups, or brands define their self understanding and action, the harder and more strictly it is exactly then judged. Even brand-loyal fans and followers on social networks know no mercy here, also they want new confirmation. To actors and their advisers must be even more prepared. But they should therefore be no less brave and challenging. The author of this article, Thomas Bartel, is public relations consultant and Managing Director of ICF Public Relations consulting in Hamburg (www.icf-pr.de)

Mar 23 2019

September GmbH

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Please have the ease of use, fair prices and friendly support. Thumbs up! “, says Jochen May, Director land-gut-Hotel Berghof. Sonja Bunthe: We have received consistently positive feedback. The hotels especially pleased the user friendliness and the high response rates, which can be so easily achieved. Especially when personal birthday greeting, lots of feedback received from guests. A hotel has advertised a winter range with only 120 personalized cards and was able to secure 15 fixed reservations after a week.

An example that shows how the personal and individual speech convinced.” ODS Managing Director Stefan Schroter adds: we are very satisfied with the course of the project. Many customers are repeat offenders and now regularly use the service.” More information about the service of StayGuest are available in the Internet at. Additional press materials of this press release: you can download quickly and easily a detailed case study of the Xerox Germany GmbH to this press release as well as another image and text material for free use in the online press compartment: press compartments/StayGuest contact for questions to this success story: Sonja Bunthe StayGuest c/o ODS – Office data service GmbH honor mountain str. 16 A D-10245 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 23 09 51 – 75 fax: + 49 (0) 30 23 09 51 – 88 E-Mail: Internet: Marko Homann, Holger Ballwanz PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: through StayGuest – a service of the ODS – Office data service GmbH StayGuest.de is a Web-to-mailing-Portal launched in September 2008, which specializes in the hotel and tourism industry. With StayGuest.de you can smaller and major mailing campaigns easily and quickly plan and perform. The customers have at StayGuest.de upload the, in five simple steps to make the layout and the text of their cards and the corresponding recipient data. Printing and dispatch are performed by StayGuest.de. Numerous companies from the field of hotel and tourism today regularly use the services offered by StayGuest.de.

Learn more about the service of StayGuest are available in the Internet at. Via the ODS – Office data service GmbH StayGuest.de is a service of the ODS – Office data service GmbH from Berlin. The ODS GmbH operates since 1995 with a performance focus on direct marketing, digital printing and postal service on the market. Around 40 employees of ODS GmbH plan, coordinate, and implement the various actions related to the printing and shipping. Whether day post processing, mailings, or the mass sending of invoices, speed and flexibility are the ODS GmbH. At every stage of the order processing is the most modern means of communication, Data processing and production technology efficiently. Together with our cooperation partners, the ODS GmbH realized even the most complex shipping jobs.

Mar 20 2019

Avis Launches Europewide Search

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Avis yesterday launched a Europe-wide design competition, in which each and every artist can be. The winning design is in form of Avis car rentals the four-wheeled work of art. The competition launched by Avis conducted since yesterday only about the own local Facebook pages from nine European countries including the Switzerland. Participants can create their own designs in the context of the competition and download them until November 14 on Facebook. Then it applies to animate as many friends and acquaintances, to cast their votes for their own design. All entries evaluated then by an expert jury, where the Facebook votes included in the standings.

The winning design will be chosen on December 2 and part of the Avis fleet. Facebook also Swiss citizens have the chance to win a ride with the Avis ArtCar in the framework of a pan-European competition. In addition to inspire the up-and-coming artists, SI Scott and of the British graphic designer create two renowned artists French animation expert of McBess, per your own design for the Avis ArtCar. On a blog can you follow at any time their design developments. Overall, fleet the Avis is so enriched with three ArtCars. Avis is the first car rental, which joins the ArtCar movement.

This represents the post modernist philosophy that everyone can be an artist. After beginnings in the 1960s and 1970s the ArtCar undergoes movement currently a huge revival through the participation of exclusive car manufacturers and artists. For the first time now also amateur artists have the possibility their ArtCar achieving design as part of a car fleet. What is new is that an ArtCar is created by the public for the public. We are very pleased to carry this design competition. He should show that the ArtCar movement not only for seasoned artist, but is open to the general public. Regardless of age, experience or artistic talent we look forward to many creative submissions. One is worldwide the of it soon first rent ArtCar decorate”, says Jeannine Micheli, Manager Marketing, intermediary and direct sales Avis Switzerland, Austria and the Czech Republic. About Avis Avis Rent A car system, LLC and its subsidiaries operate one of the world’s best known car rental companies with approximately 5’100 rental stations in over 165 countries. Avis can look back on a long innovative past in the car rental industry and is one of the top brands in the area of customer loyalty worldwide. Avis is part of Avis Budget Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: CAR), which operates the brand globally and licensed.

Feb 28 2019

Promotional Matches – Practical And Cheap For Your Advertising

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Successfully through promotional, advertising and giveaways if you have developed a new brand, a new service or new products with your company, and you want to publish this on the market so competitive at the present time, then must it always that the market is very tough in this day and age, and that special agents are necessary for the success of note. This applies particularly in the present time, which is characterized by the international banking crisis and the euro crisis, and in which many companies are under great pressure. Therefore, an intensive advertising campaign is always a good idea, because by various means, so for example the advertising article matches, you can achieve very good results in an advertising campaign and make sure really effectively convince the potential customers and clients of the company, and that the sales of the products and the sales of the company long term can be secured. An intensive advertising campaign is important particularly with the release of new products and brands, because all new products have always once the problem that they can sell very poorly if at all. This is because new products by nature once are unknown, no matter how awesome is the idea behind the product, or the market gap may be as well, which is the product based. Promotional matches, used in a well-thought-out strategy for a campaign are therefore an excellent idea, to improve the awareness of a product or a brand and ensuring, convince the potential customers and clients from the new products.

These promotional gifts offer a variety of very good benefits, which can be very beneficial in any advertising campaign. For example, these giveaways are quite cheap and can be made so easily, without requiring you to keep the budget in the eye that stands for the advertising campaign available. Therefore, it can be also a very good idea if matches in large amounts produce the promotional items, to so in large quantities on a major event such as to distribute at a trade show. Especially the advertising on major events and events such as trade fairs can be very effective, because here often hundreds or even thousands of potential customers are present, all of which are quite interested in the products and brand of your company. Therefore, you should let this opportunity not to be missed, and with as many stray articles provide for your message to reach as many people.

Advertising with these gifts has an additional advantage, because you can reach a lot of people with them due to their versatility. Promotional matches have a very practical benefit that everyone can use whether they are smokers or not, and therefore you should use be sure these promotional items, if you make a good advertising campaign. Last but not least, the price is a very strong argument that speaks for these giveaways. But many other companies use these products with success. So you should also try with These freebies to make your company a success and to allow the sales of your company in the amount of fast.

May 28 2018

PR Pictures Arouse Emotions

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The webinar provides practical tips for the proper handling of images and videos in the online press releases In the PR-gateway Academy was the topic of “Pictures and videos for more attention” in the center of the approximately 20-minute focus Webinares this time. Around 100 participants received practical tips on the correct handling of images. Questions about copyright on images and videos, or creating professional pictures and videos and links to useful programs for the image, audio and video editing programs – no question of participants remained unanswered. The subconscious mind has a reading disability – set images already in 2008 the Max Planck Society experts discovered that the subconscious decisions already have fallen, even before the person deliberately makes a choice. However, the subconscious mind has a major weakness: it does not read, but has a complete “image”. Within fractions of a second the subconscious takes pictures on, rated and linked them to ultimately save them. What does this mean for the practice? An example: we call any Internet page, our eyes unconsciously on the pictures or on mobile content falls before we turn to in the text. Reason is that we can significantly faster perceive visual representations and receiving as plain text.

In fractions of a second, we process the information that gives us a picture or the spoken word. A related site: Coupang mentions similar findings. 1001 Things that better express yourself with pictures and videos if the effect of online press release can be emotion or information – with photos and videos significantly enhance. And there is hardly a PR topic, that does not make sense to visualize can be: interviews, or presentations and info-graphics – pictures and videos offer all possibilities for an emotional appeal of target groups. People want to be provided not only with interesting information, but also entertained entertaining image and video material characterizes itself in the minds of the audiences and remains in memory. Companies can also your reputation on the Internet significantly positive influence. (It is true but to make sure that even entertaining pictures and videos have a thematic relevance to the online press release). The simple formula for success: Positive emotions are aroused by pictures and videos in the online press releases and the positive response to a multiple increase. At the same time also the search results is increased through the use of pictures and videos in the online press releases by Google & co, because search engines give a high rank pictures and videos.

The recording of a Webinar offers an ideal introduction to the new online world of images and videos. There is mediated, how to: quickly and create your own images and videos can be successfully effectively incorporated in online press releases how to make multimedia content and pictures and videos also outside of online press releases. For more information about the questions and answers here: pr-gateway-academy.de/die-perfekte-online-mitteilung-im-detail-bilder-und-videos-fur-mehr-aufmerksamkeit-material/?r=t company description PR-gateway is a project of Adenion GmbH. PR-gateway (www.pr-gateway.de) a press release distribution service, with which is centrally manage press releases and click parallel transmitted to various free portals, news services, and social media. The multiple acquisition accounted for the single press portals. Thus helps PR gateway companies and PR agencies to get more coverage for your PR releases on the Internet in less time. Many well-known companies and PR agencies PR gateway already use successfully for your online PR including HUK-Coburg and komm.passion. PR contact: Adenion GmbH Eckhard lenders Merkatorstr 2 41515 Grevenbroich Tel: + 4921817569140 E-Mail: Web:

Feb 14 2018

Back Words

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Start with words, striking the first time! Attention! Finally! Pay attention to tone and revitalize a sense of novelty in these words. There are other catchy words, ‘open’ announcements, such as ‘novelty’ or ‘Open’. The words ‘new’ or ‘first’ legally justified only for six months from the time when you first made or offered their product, so if you really have invented or produced something new – albeit on This all just know. 2. Refer to your audience plumbing repairs! Housewives! Leg pain? This type of headline will help you find exactly the consumers. If you sell the legal literature, start your ad words: “Attention is invited to lawyers!” By following this rule, you will attract the attention of the target audience, ie that part of the audience, in which you are most interested.

3. Promise the customer satisfaction of its needs Back pain will pass within 10 minutes! Buy two shirts at a price of ONE! With the new method – find a job in 2 days! Meeting the needs – that’s exactly why people pay money. Decaffeinated coffee – a product, but that ‘He will healthy sleep! ” – A particular benefit. If a person has back pain, he pays, in fact, not a cure, but for deliverance from the pain. Heading ‘Back pain will pass within 10 minutes! ” reports that relief is possible.

Offer recovery, rather than tablets. 4. Submit your ad as news real breakthrough in the safety of driving the new formula restores hair.