May 20 2024


Posted by domain admin in News

I write, regretting sincerely, unable to be by your side in these moments of dream, where the hours of the day have prom dress and their minutes rightly celebrate the completion of 12 semesters of sacrifice, study and tensions, 6 years, where each day dreams were closer, 2160 days of your life dedicated to forging you and train you in this legion of anonymous Heroes who are doctors. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Electron Capital Partners. You just have to thank God and Mary for allowing you to arrive at this graduation, your parents have only done their duty and have done so with pleasure, your sisters, grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins applaud your effort. Society expects to know you fulfill your obligations, not only as a medical professional who is already fairly!, but as a citizen, as a neighbour, as a man. My son facing you is the sinuous and mysterious way of life every minute of your existence you face illness, death, pain, to the suffering of beings humans and beings brothers, so look at them! Do not be afraid! confront them with tools that keep your teachers have taught at the University meet them! .with value and courage that you are inheriting from your parents, exerts the medicine without let yourself be overcome by the malicious insinuations of life, do not you claudiques before the monetary temptation of abortion, the false diagnosis and falsehood. No doubt there will be difficult days!, because there can be misunderstandings in the daily fight against diseases and death learns from them!, exerts the medicine next to your patients and not in front of them, humanist exerts a medicine, identify with the pain of your sick because the indifference of the doctor it hurts rather than disease rejects the Intrusion of the coldness in the privacy of the medical act!You not breaks before your mistakes and failures get up!, you do not desalientes to the ingratitude of the patient understand them!, do not be discouraged to injustices, the rancor and professional zeal. The doctors have been trained to fight for life always defend life!, we have been forged to study study!, have been trained to go and help our sick despite our tiredness goes to those calls! We are trained to plan, unravel complex cases and difficult plan! My son: wait you days of joy and days of sadness, success hours and minutes from failures, bonanza months and weeks of shortages so much in life, as in your profession your parents can not avoid this happening, but if you can instill have the courage and the courage to withstand these moments without a doubt, the moments of successjoy, achievements and bonanza will be much more than the others and even when we are no longer enjoying them and enjoy them with sobriety, doctors do not aspire to be millionaires, We aspire only to live with decorum, without constraints and every day to receive the gratitude of our patients that the medicine rather than a profession is a religion, an apostolate, a priesthood where first and foremost premium service. My son good luck and perlonga life, as a physician and as a man! Pope.

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