Nov 10 2015
Posted by domain admin in News

Salescoaching: Frank rad goes exclusive routes although it would be crucial for the success of the company, has the distribution in many SAP providers enormous need for improvement: lack of sales teams, the technical link with social and communicative skills. Frank Frank Rechsteiner, owner of the coaching and training company hype, advises and supports SAP partner for over twelve years in the sales and organizational structure. 3: Why not take advantage of the SAP provider in many places their sales opportunities? Frank Frank Rechsteiner: in many industries, the sales teams were under enormous pressure in recent years, this applies not only to the SAP environment. Although her work for the company’s success is very important, they were internally often unjustly treated? Even a look at the Board structure of larger enterprises, which industries reveals this: while each group in Germany has a Chief Financial Officer, there are only a few boards that expressly responsible for sales. Similar can be observed with medium-sized companies: here often sink the managing directors in business operations and don’t miss it at a consistent marketing strategy and control. But once ask what Board knows his sales results! 3: has the missing Board anchoring on the distribution implications? Frank Rechsteiner: in many companies, there is no clear and precise sales targets. Even worse, that often the sales budgets were cut during the financial and economic crisis, in order to save costs. Many sales departments were restructured again, with the result that the employees are demotivated today.

What absurd is because just a powerful sales offers companies a unique opportunity to increase their sales. 3: How is it ordered to the sales organizations specifically in the SAP environment? Frank Rechsteiner: especially for mid-sized SAP providers is often to observe that they have very little or even no sales teams. This is one of the missing sales concept, in addition, that the really good SAP sellers are very expensive and therefore not for every medium-sized companies affordable.

Nov 10 2015

INFORA With QuickCheck For The Long-term Electronic Archiving

Posted by domain admin in News

Entry in the development and implementation of a long-term strategy to the legally compliant storage of documents, electronic and papierner, Berlin / Cologne, 07.06.2010 – represents a challenge for the public administration and institutions to the long-term preservation of digital documents and their availability to future generations. However, still no sufficient prerequisites have been created for the electronic storage of long term and are still unclear how concepts. The entry in the development and implementation of a sustainable strategy for the legally compliant storage of electronic and papierner documents the INFORA consulting therefore offers a QuickCheck. In addition to the organizational aspects of a future course of action, practical solutions based on existing technical procedures are designed in the context of the documentation of the results. The QuickCheck for the electronic storage of long term starts with a preliminary to the customer-specific objectives and requirements, to the design of the project of the QuickChecks to be able to optimize. Then, it creates a customized, standardized questionnaire specifically designed for the context of the right safe keeping of electronic documents.

The questionnaire is sent to up to ten contact of customer for processing by INFORA and tool-based evaluated. Existing queries are solved in the form of in-depth interviews. Following be a meaningful review of the State, as well as a weak-point analysis with a focus on organization, technology, law and evidence security of the existing approach to storing and singling out the documents in question. On the basis of actual and vulnerability analysis, INFORA designates the fields of action to be taken into account and target-oriented measures. Then, a prioritization of the necessary steps is carried out together with the customer.

The evaluation of the information obtained allows an objective identification of existing action requirements with regard to the legally compliant long-term storage or singling out and this creates a clear Planning base”, explains Thomas Hohn, Managing Director at INFORA, the benefits. The principal in the form of a detailed presentation of the results and a compact result document receives the entire results of the QuickChecks, which is offered at a fixed price. In addition, a project plan is designed, which illustrates the history of a possible follow-up project in a structured form. About INFORA: INFORA GmbH is an innovative, highly specialized and vendor-independent consulting firm for more than 25 years. With locations in Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Dresden supports customers from the initial concept idea through to successful implementation. INFORA it places special emphasis on the practical design and effective transformation of business and automation processes. For example, Daimler AG, Viessmann, INA Schaeffler, German Airbus, Henkel, Minolta, Procter & gamble and Schering belong to their consulting clients in the industrial sector, in the public administration clients such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Ministry of finance, the Federal Agency for work or the Federal Chancellor’s Office. meetBIZ & think tank GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-72 fax: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-71

Nov 05 2015

Long Term Archiving

Posted by domain admin in News

The storage technology of the silent cubes with silent cubes has the Munich fast LTA AG (LTA is for Long Term Archiving) developed a modern, disk-based storage system, which is characterised by a safe and particularly energy-saving operation. The silent cube storage system allows in particular audit-proof archiving data, subject to statutory regulations and requirements for storage. In addition to the preservation of any documents, also the associated index data, profiling data, and runtimes are so-called “retention” saved and kept non-overridable and not erasable disk storage with WORM-RAID technology on hochperformanten, highly available, until a defined date. The data will be marked as read-only and can for the entire duration of the Archiving period no longer be changed. Integrated components for data backups will enable a replication on another, highly redundant silent-cube systems also thus possible data loss almost cannot be ruled out. The modular design and scalability, it can be individually extended several silent cubes to a disk group. Silent cubes is together with windream already several customers of the windream distributors KINETIC ag in the Switzerland successfully in use.

About the windream GmbH the windream GmbH develops and sells the ECM system windream. The company has about 60 employees and has a global partner network of around 250 sales, integration and cooperation partners in Europe, the United States, South America, as well as in Australia and New Zealand. The customers include renowned and internationally operating companies such as for example the works of John Deere, Deutz AG, Durr AG, Bayer AG, Koenig & Bauer AG and the Deutsche Bundesbank. About Enterprise-content-management-system windream windream, since 2003 worldwide patent protected, leading solution is considered technologically for the acquisition, management and preservation of electronic documents in the Office area as well as in the SAP environment. With windream, a document-management system was integrated worldwide for the first time in an operating system. windream is used in the Standard Edition of small and medium-sized enterprises and in the Corporate Business Edition. Many integrations into third-party products round off the portfolio.

Available products include connectivity to ERP, ERP, and financial accounting systems as well as integrations in knowledge management, groupware and imaging / data capturing solutions as well as in a wide variety of industry-specific applications. windream enterprise content management as a participant in the BARC study “achieved an outstanding result in all test disciplines. Editorial Contacts: windream GmbH Dr. Michael Duhme spokesman waterway 219 D-44799 Bochum phone: + 49 234 9734-568 fax: + 49-234-9734-520 PR Agency: good news! GmbH Nicole Korber of Koobrzeg str. 36 D-23617 Stockelsdorf phone: + 49 451 88199-12 fax: + 49 451 88199-29

Nov 04 2015

A Jersey Of A Special Kind

Posted by domain admin in News

Marcus Schmidt is running in the colours of the at the Middle Rhine Marathon in Koblenz Dormagen, June 02, 2010 last weekend was in Koblenz again of running sports. The Middle Rhine moved nearly 9,000 Ausdauersportbegeisterte captivated this marathon. Exhausted but happy, most of the runners, Walker, and inline skaters reached the finish line at the Mainzer Strasse and were received by their friends and fans clamoring. was as a co-sponsor of the marathon of course on the spot with this. During the two-day runner fair, which took place in the Sporthalle Oberwerth, Andreas Kaminski stood and Birgit Hoppe answer in terms of performance diagnostics at the orange green booth. Many runners and runners took the opportunity to learn in addition to sporting shopping, also about the advantages of individual performance diagnostics for their own training. Many questions came also from fellow exhibitors, which is a cooperation with the Dormagen diagnostic professionals for their own Business could quite imagine. Above all, the appearance of runner and personal trainer Marcus Schmidt caused a stir at the booth of on Saturday.

Extra for his half marathon race, which he graduated from in the ordinary time of 1 hour and 55 minutes, he create a very special race Jersey. As a catcher, he entered only Bodypainting colors by instead of shirts. Luckily the temperatures allowed a run (almost) bare-chested last weekend. Thanks to his fast time reached Schmidt the target even before the rain onset and end of the. With this special outerwear”, Marcus Schmidt in the target area of the Marathon was of course a sought-after interview partner and an often your photographic subject. It was solemnly again at the end of the successful marathon event as the winner and honored the winners of the different disciplines to much applause. The team of presented the fastest with a diagnosis-voucher still a small support for future times. Detailed information on the subject of performance diagnostics in the Marathon”is there on the Internet at. Andreas Heinen head of corporate communications

Nov 04 2015

Hagola Beer Theken And Cocktail Stations

Posted by domain admin in News

Beer bars and cocktail stations of Hagola leave no wishes today’s requirements for cooling counters in bars, restaurants and hotels are very high. In addition to the functionality of OSH, a reliable cooling and the hygienic demands should be met. Each counter should have it 2 rinse options, firstly to the pre-wash and secondly to rinse the glasses. To meet these requirements, cooling counter are made with 2 sinks, or alternatively with a sink and a shower of glass. Counter areas can choose the variant with a sink in tight spaces. In this case, the glasses rinsing shower, which is incorporated into the drip tray is a must”. The glasses are pre rinsed in the existing sink and then rinse the glass shower.

The use of a glass shower has the further advantage that the flushed, warm jars are cooled with cold rinse water, therefore remain the draught drinks longer cold. The drip recess integrated into the bar cover with the patented Prism hole cover takes up any spilled drink and leads it through a connected drip dump hose in the drain. The amount of investment for the new acquisition of a cool bar, depends on its design and equipment. The company Hagola is so very flexible. In addition to the special construction Hagola manufactures the cooling counter in three quality classes, the simple economy class, the average quality of the Hagola business class and the premium quality of the first class. In all three classes, you can freely select the facilities of the cooling compartments and occupy the flushing unit with hinged doors or a garbage dump truck. Chilled door compartments are used primarily for the beer counter tapping. The keg is stored in the refrigerated counter and pierced, the caterer will save this long beer line lengths and thus quality and energy losses.

The refrigerated drawer compartments come mainly for the Bottle cooling used. You can also individually determine the distribution of the drawers. You can split the economy class with 2 drawers drawer compartments stacked, consists of business and first class, you can assemble the drawer compartment with 3 stacked drawers (3 x 1/3). The drawer or the doors with Thermoverglasung and backlighting can be built for an effective presentation of goods. Installation of cooling tanks, called also crush-Icewannen add the need for a necessary cooling for mixed drinks or cocktails. There are the special cocktail stations, also can be tailored to the requirements of any bar business available for this purpose. With this special cocktail stations, Hagola has managed to produce a functional tool, taking into account design and practical functionality, for a perfect operation of the bar. The outer dimensions are designed so that is the Cocktail stations can be integrated without difficulty in an existing counter area. The use of high quality materials and production using the latest technology guarantee low failure rates and a long life of the Hagola products. However, should a faulty condition arise, the 24-month factory warranty enter into force, that you can make on demand seven days in the week. Michael Jopke